How to Handle Stress in a High-Conflict Divorce

What Is a High-Conflict Divorce?

A high-conflict divorce is a complex legal separation characterized by intense animosity and hostility between the spouses. Unlike amicable divorces, where cooperation is prioritized, high-conflict divorces are marked by a deliberate attempt by one or both parties to inflict emotional pain and derail the process. This often manifests in tactics such as:

  • Refusing to disclose financial information
  • Bad-mouthing the other spouse to children or friends
  • Making unreasonable demands during negotiations
  • Taking actions to delay the divorce process

These high levels of conflict can stem from various sources. Deep-seated emotional issues, unresolved marital problems, or personality clashes can all contribute. Additionally, complex financial situations or disagreements over child custody and visitation rights can exacerbate existing tensions and push the divorce into a high-conflict zone.

How High-Conflict Situations Impact Stress Levels

High-conflict situations act as a potent stressor for several reasons, including:

  • They trigger the body's fight-or-flight response. When faced with perceived threats, like a hostile spouse, our bodies release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, preparing us to confront or flee the situation. This surge can lead to physical symptoms like muscle tension, elevated heart rate, and difficulty sleeping, all of which contribute to overall stress levels.
  • High-conflict situations create a sense of uncertainty and unpredictability. In a healthy relationship, there is a baseline level of trust and understanding. High conflict disrupts this, making it difficult to anticipate the other person's behavior or the outcome of any interaction. This constant state of uncertainty can be mentally and emotionally draining, further elevating stress.
  • These situations often involve a lack of control. Whether it's feeling unable to resolve differences, fearing the other person's actions, or worrying about the impact on children, the sense of helplessness can be overwhelming. This loss of control further compounds the stress response and can lead to feelings of anxiety and frustration.
  • The emotional intensity of high-conflict situations can be exhausting. Constant negativity, anger, and hostility take a toll on emotional well-being. This emotional strain depletes our coping mechanisms, making it even harder to manage the physiological stress response. It is also important to note that the emotional toll of such a divorce can be significant, impacting not only the divorcing couple but also their children and extended family, and feeling responsible for causing loved ones’ stress can add to the emotional intensity and impact.

Recognizing Stress Symptoms

While stress is a natural human response to challenging or demanding situations, when left unchecked, chronic stress can have a significant impact on our physical and mental health. It is important to be aware of the body's signals to identify and address stress effectively.

Some common stress symptoms are the following:

  • Physical Symptoms:
    • Headaches
    • Muscle tension or pain
    • Fatigue
    • Difficulty sleeping
    • Changes in appetite
    • Upset stomach
    • Weakened immune system
  • Mental Symptoms:
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Racing thoughts
    • Forgetfulness
    • Poor judgment
    • Constant worry
    • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Emotional Symptoms:
    • Anxiety
    • Irritability
    • Anger
    • Depression
    • Loneliness
    • Loss of motivation

It is crucial to recognize these signs early on, as stress can profoundly impact your ability to make sound decisions during divorce proceedings. Acknowledging these symptoms is the first step towards managing them effectively and maintaining your composure throughout the divorce process.

6 Tips for Handling High-Conflict Divorce Stress

Below, we discuss different strategies for coping with and managing your stress:

1. Learn How to Manage Intense Emotions

Intense emotions can affect your stress levels, and if you do not know how to properly manage negative emotions, your stress can increase or may become chronic. Thus, if you want to get a handle on your stress, you should take time to understand, process, and manage your emotions.

Anger, resentment, and grief are common companions during divorces. To manage anger, consider techniques such as:

  • deep breathing,
  • meditation, or even
  • physical exercise to channel the energy constructively.

Resentment can be a bit trickier, as it often requires a conscious effort to forgive or accept the situation for what it is, which is not an endorsement of the other party's actions but rather a step towards your own peace of mind. Grief, on the other hand, is a process that should be honored and allowed to unfold naturally. Give yourself permission to feel these emotions fully, but also seek out activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

2. Connect with Supportive People

Friends, family, and support groups can offer a listening ear, practical help, and the emotional solidarity you need to get through tough times. These networks remind you that you're not alone and provide a sense of community that can be incredibly comforting. Support networks can also come in the form of online communities, where anonymity can sometimes make it easier to share and receive advice.

The support of therapists and counselors can also be incredibly beneficial. These professionals provide a safe space to express your feelings and work through the complex emotions that arise. They can offer coping mechanisms and strategies to handle stress, ensuring that you remain grounded and focused on your well-being. Therapists and counselors can also assist in developing communication strategies that are essential when dealing with an ex-partner, help you establish boundaries, and teach you how to respond to provocation without escalating the conflict.

3. Establish Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries is crucial for protecting yourself and fostering a healthier co-parenting dynamic if children are involved. Some of the types of boundaries that be helpful in reducing high-conflict divorce stress:

  • Personal Boundaries:
    • Limit information shared about your personal life with your ex-partner.
    • Avoid engaging in social media battles or public arguments.
    • Establish clear boundaries with extended family and friends who may be drawn into the conflict.
  • Co-Parenting Boundaries:
    • Avoid bad-mouthing the other parent in front of your children. Note: You can include terms in your parenting plan (i.e., a non-disparagement clause) that require both parties to avoid saying anything negative about the other party in front of your child.
    • Respect your temporary agreements concerning parenting plans.
  • Communication Boundaries:
    • Limit communication to a certain time and in the presence of a mediator or attorneys.
    • Agree to avoid using inflammatory or belittling language.

A Note on Protecting Children from Conflict

Children are often the unintended casualties of divorce, especially when conflict is high. It is imperative to shield them from disputes and maintain healthy parent-child relationships, which is why establishing boundaries is so important.

Rather than involve your children in the contention, focus on providing stability and reassurance, letting them know that both parents love them and that divorce is not their fault. Creating a consistent routine can also help children feel more secure during this time of change. When possible, work with your ex-partner to maintain a united front regarding parenting decisions.

4. Invest in Self-Care Activities

Investing time in activities that nurture your physical, emotional, and mental health can help you rebuild your sense of self and reduce stress. This could be anything from regular exercise, which has been shown to improve mood, to meditation and mindfulness practices that help center your thoughts and emotions. Even simple acts like reading a book, taking a long bath, or exploring a new hobby can have a profound impact on your well-being.

Self-care also means setting boundaries and learning to say no when you're overwhelmed. It's about recognizing your limits and giving yourself permission to take a step back when needed. In the context of a divorce, self-care can empower you to handle the legal and emotional challenges with resilience and grace. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish—it's essential for your health and the well-being of those who depend on you.

5. Try a Different Approach

Traditional litigation may not be the most productive course of action for all divorces, especially those fraught with high levels of conflict. Fortunately, there are alternative dispute resolution methods that can offer a more amicable approach. Two such options are divorce mediation and collaborative divorce.

Divorce mediation involves a neutral third-party mediator who facilitates communication and guides the couple toward a mutually agreeable settlement on issues like child custody, property division, and spousal support. The mediator doesn't take sides or impose solutions but rather creates a safe space for productive discussion.

Collaborative divorce, on the other hand, utilizes a team approach with specially trained collaborative lawyers representing each spouse. Here, open communication and information sharing are paramount. While both methods offer a structured path towards resolving a divorce outside of court, it's crucial to remember that the success of either approach hinges on the willingness of both parties to cooperate and work constructively towards a settlement.

6. Rely on Your Divorce Attorney

Leaning on your attorney's legal experience can significantly reduce your stress and help you navigate the complexities of the process more easily. An experienced divorce attorney will understand not only the legal complexities but also the emotional nuances that come with such disputes.

Your attorney is trained to recognize counter-tactics often used in high-conflict divorces. These might include emotional manipulation, attempts to stall proceedings, or unreasonable demands. Your lawyer can deflect these tactics with legal arguments, evidence, and court protocols, preventing you from getting dragged into unnecessary emotional battles.

They can also help you establish clear boundaries regarding communication and behavior with your ex-spouse. They can draft agreements outlining these boundaries and enforce them through legal means if necessary. This reduces the risk of your ex-spouse engaging in further conflict, creating a calmer environment for you.

Let Us Help with Your High-Conflict Divorce

No one imagines their divorce turning into a battlefield. But unfortunately, high-conflict divorces are a reality for many couples. If you find yourself in this situation, know you're not alone.

The attorneys at Kallen Law Firm, LLC are dedicated to helping you navigate this difficult time with compassion and expertise. Whether you need guidance on legal matters, financial planning, or strategies for emotional well-being, our team is here to support you.

Learn more about how our attorneys can help you by calling (314) 441-7793.
