How to Financially Survive a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be emotionally and financially challenging. It is essential to prepare yourself financially to navigate this significant life transition successfully. To maintain financial stability throughout and beyond a divorce, it is essential to grasp the financial consequences, effectively manage your finances, and seek expert advice.

How to Prepare for Divorce Financially

Here are seven practical and effective ways to prepare yourself financially for a divorce:

  1. Consider your current financial situation. Begin by collecting essential financial paperwork, such as bank statements, tax returns, investment records, and property documents. Assess your assets, debts, and ongoing financial responsibilities. This thorough evaluation of your financial situation will enable you to effectively strategize for the division of assets during the divorce proceedings.
  2. Draft a budget. Develop a realistic budget based on your current income and expenses. Consider both short-term and long-term financial goals. This will help you understand how much you need to cover your living expenses and identify areas where you can cut costs if necessary.
  3. Open your own bank account. Prior to initiating the divorce process, it is advisable to open individual bank accounts and credit cards in your name. This step will help you maintain financial independence and safeguard your funds.
  4. Consult a financial advisor. Consider enlisting the expertise of a skilled divorce-focused financial advisor. They possess the knowledge to educate you on the financial ramifications associated with different settlement choices, including asset division, debt allocation, and handling retirement accounts. Moreover, a financial advisor can offer valuable insights into potential tax implications and assist in formulating long-term financial plans.
  5. Consider mediation or collaborative divorce. Mediation or collaborative divorce processes can help minimize conflict and reduce legal expenses. These methods encourage open communication and cooperation between both parties, leading to more mutually beneficial financial agreements.
  6. Educate yourself on spousal and child support. Understand the laws and guidelines regarding spousal and child support in your jurisdiction. Consult with an attorney to ensure you are aware of your rights and obligations. Knowing the factors considered during support calculations will help you prepare for potential financial adjustments after the divorce.
  7. Update your estate plan and beneficiary designations. Review your existing estate plan, including your will, trust, and power of attorney documents. Update them to reflect your post-divorce wishes. Additionally, review and update beneficiary designations on insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other financial assets.

Financial Tools & Online Resources

Here are some crucial financial websites and resources that can assist individuals in preparing for and managing expenses during a divorce:

  • Coparently is an online tool designed for co-parents. It helps manage shared expenses, track child support payments, and maintain communication between parents. With features like shared calendars, expense tracking, and messaging, Coparently simplifies the complex task of managing finances and co-parenting responsibilities.
  • Cozi is a family organizer app that can be immensely helpful during and after a divorce. It allows families to create shared calendars, organize schedules, and manage tasks. Cozi's expense tracker feature enables users to monitor and split shared expenses easily. This can be particularly useful for co-parents looking to maintain transparency and manage expenses.
  • Investopedia is a reliable source of financial information and education. It provides articles, tutorials, and videos covering various financial topics. For individuals navigating divorce, Investopedia offers resources on topics such as financial independence, divorce financial planning, and understanding the impact of divorce on retirement savings.
  • Mint is a widely used app designed to assist individuals in effectively managing their personal finances. This app provides a variety of tools, enabling users to establish budgets, monitor expenses, and set financial objectives. With real-time updates and personalized recommendations, Mint provides valuable insights to help users stay on top of their finances.
  • NerdWallet is a trusted platform that provides personalized financial advice and tools NerdWallet provides a vast array of resources to assist individuals in making well-informed choices regarding budgeting, investing, and debt management. Their calculators and guides can prove especially valuable when determining post-divorce budgets and establishing financial objectives.
  • YNAB (You Need a Budget) is a popular budgeting app that helps users gain control over their finances. It focuses on the concept of zero-based budgeting, where every dollar has a purpose. YNAB encourages users to allocate funds towards specific categories, such as housing, transportation, and debt repayment. By tracking expenses and setting realistic goals, individuals can regain control over their financial situation.
  • Zimplified Life is a comprehensive financial management platform that offers budgeting tools, expense tracking, and debt management features. It provides personalized tips and advice tailored to individual financial goals, helping users gain a clear understanding of their income, expenses, and overall financial health.

Experienced Counsel for Your Divorce

Surviving a divorce financially requires personalized counsel from a skilled attorney who understands the complex financial challenges clients face. From understanding and protecting financial interests to negotiating fair settlements, attorneys play a critical role in guiding clients through the divorce process.

The attorneys at Kallen Law Firm, LLC have over 45 years of collective legal experience. If you are considering divorce, you can trust our attorneys with your case. We offer clients personalized counsel and are prepared to help you protect your financial interests and health.

To request a free initial consultation, call (314) 441-7793.
